Shipping is free. Orders are carefully prepared and shipped to you from the nearest Fendi location, including our local boutiques.
Different shipping options may be available according to the delivery address and to where the items are stocked. All available shipping methods and actual delivery times for your order will be clearly displayed at checkout, after entering your shipping address.
If you are purchasing multiple items, they may be delivered separately on different days.
Delivery usually takes 3-5 days business days from the date of the purchase.
We will send you the Tracking Number for your package by email. You can also follow the delivery online through the Track Your Order page.
Signature is required at delivery of all orders for security purposes. In case nobody is available to sign for the package for two consecutive working days, the courier will leave a notification and a contact number.
Please note working days are Monday through Friday, excluding local and national holidays.
Follow your package and check the expected delivery date on the Track Your Order page, or in your Fendi & Me account.
You will receive a shipping confirmation email once the order is on its way to you. Please note that the Tracking Number will be activated within 24 hours from when the order is dispatched, therefore you may not find any updates immediately after shipment. We kindly ask you to check back the following day.
You are currently in the United States website. From this site, we deliver to the Continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. If you want to shop in a different Country/Region, you can change the shipping destination from the website footer.
Please note that your Shopping Bag is exclusive to each Country/Region and will no longer be visible if you change delivery destination: you will need to select the items again. Our catalog, shipping and payment methods may also be updated.
All orders are elegantly presented in our signature packaging, with the iconic Fendi Logo design.
If you're buying a gift, you can also add a personal message. Gift orders can be shipped directly to the receiver, as prices will not be visible.